Orange magazine is an event-based online platform that has been aimed at young journalists from all across the Europe to not only access journalistic education but also put their skills into practice. Our magazine tries at the same time to keep the diversity by inviting the collaboration of international journalists outside of Europe. They are given the room to explore media and current affairs through covering the events. Young European journalists are immersed in a subject by attending a conference or event and producing content that is straightforward and cuts to the heart of the pressing issues of the day.
Our focus has evolved from providing a learning environment to ensuring the highest quality possible while still allowing young journalists the space to practice and develop their professional skills within an enabling and inspiring environment. The production process of an Orange edition enables young journalists to meet the professionals and experts in the field whom they can learn from and understand better the challenges that lie ahead of them in covering issues in a globalised world. At the same time, this collaboration gives the festivals access to a vibrant network of young media makers and multinational coverage in across Europe.
Orange magazine can appear in a printed form, distributed among the participants of the event that is covered, and/or online on the website. orange.youthpress.org is the official multimedia platform of the European Youth Press. It provides an interactive multimedia platform for media coverage of international conferences.